Dr. Maya Sabatello is an Associate Professor of Medical Sciences at the Center for Precision Medicine and Genomics and the Division of Ethics at Columbia University, where she also co-directs the Precision Medicine & Society Workshop. A former litigator with transdisciplinary background, she explores the ethical, social and policy issues relating to biomedical technologies, genomic information and Big Data and the impacts thereof on social structures, marginalized communities, and individual health outcomes. Dr. Sabatello’s NIH-funded mixed-methods and community-based participatory research program focuses on the (mis)uses of genetic data in non-clinical settings; the impacts of genomic data on adolescents’ and families’ clinical care and psychosocial wellbeing; and issues of trust, consent, and inclusion of people with disabilities in precision medicine research. Dr. Sabatello serves as a member of the ASHG’s Professional Practice & Social Implications Committee and the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of NIH’s All of Us Research Program; she co-chairs NHGRI ISCC’s Disability Bias Working Group as well as NHGRI’s Community Engagement in Genomics Working Group.